
Plesk provides a feature to select/deselect PHP support for each domain. Sometimes, the check box to enable/disable PHP support is grayed out, so the user won’t be able to use that feature. This happens if PHP is not installed or the installed PHP is not recognized by Plesk components. In most cases this happens if you have installed PHP manually (not using the rpm comes with Plesk).

You can see the installed PHP components in the following way:

Using Plesk control panel, click on Plesk–>server–>component info, you can see if the installed PHP is detected by the Plesk. The same details of installed (detected) components can be seen using mysql.

#mysql -u admin -p’cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow’
mysql> use psa;mysql> select * from Components;

If you see the value of php as not_installed, you probably have to edit the database to detect the currently installed PHP version. Follow the steps below to do this.

Find out the current PHP version:

#php -v

Then, edit the psa components table

#mysql -u admin -p’cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow’
mysql> use psa;mysql> update Components set version=”4.4.6″ where name=”php” limit 1; mysql>\q

Restart plesk:
#/etc/init.d/psa stopall
#/etc/init.d/psa start

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