
moscontent::store failed ... or something similar.

After we have migrated the contents of a Mambo website to a different server, we were unable to create new contents in the administration panel. We are using Plesk 8.1 for Windows.The above error shows.

Quick fix: If you have encountered this error be sure to disable "strict" mode in your Mysql configuration.

Here's how you do it:

Using Phpmyadmin

1. As an administrator, login to your Plesk control Panel.
2. Click Servers then hit the Sql Servers Icon.

3. Click the Mysql tab, open Webmin.

4. Click Run SQL Query, or Query.

5. To check the current SQL server mode, type:

SELECT @@global.sql_mode;

If the output of the command returns the following line,


Then you should continue reading my post. :D

6. To disable the mode that affects the operation, type this sql command on the query window:

7. Test and see if the solution works.
You can also use the same commands on a mysql command line client.

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