
How to install Yum on VPS

Here's a quick how to in installing yum to your VPS. I don't know about you but Virtuozzo or the Parallels team told us that it should be included in the VPS template. I am running Virtuozzo version 4 and for some reason, yum isn't installed. You should be able to install it with a flick by trying out my solution:

Linux distro: Centos 4.4

1. Login to your box thru ssh using any of your favorite ssh clients. I used mRemote.

2. Create the directory yum under /usr/src. (Optional)

3. Download the following files using the wget tool:

a. python-urlgrabber-2.9.6-2.noarch.rpm
b. python-sqlite-1.1.6-1.i386.rpm
c. python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.i386.rpm
d. python-urlgrabber-2.9.6-2.noarch.rpm
e. sqlite-3.2.2-1.i386.rpm

Usage: wget
Sample: wget

4. Run this command:

# rpm -Uvh *rpm

5. Download yum:

a. centos-yumconf-4-4.3.noarch.rpm
b. yum-2.4.0-1.centos4.noarch.rpm
c. yum-metadata-parser-1.0-8.el4.centos.i386.rpm

6. Proceed with item no.4.

You should be able to see a successful installation afterwards.

For an updated version of the yum dependencies and yum itself, visit Centos' repository. And speaking of dependencies, other's might encounter a dependency issue when installing components manually. Do drop by and post a quick comment and we'll try to sort things out.

Have a nice yum day!

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