
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 does not install Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for NTS (CDONTS). Therefore, applications that use CDONTS do not function on a Windows Server 2003-based computer. Windows Server 2003 provides improved alternatives to CDONTS.

To make CDONTS functioning on a Windows Server 2003-based computer, use one of the following solutions:

1. Download an attached CDONTS.ZIP file. Once you have downloaded it unzip the CDONTS.DLL and put it into %systemroot%\system32 folder (C:\Windows\system32 by default). You can also get CDONTS.DLL from your Windows 2000 CD.

2. Register the CDONTS.DLL component on your server using the following command:

regsvr32 "%systemroot%\system32\cdonts.dll"
For example:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>regsvr32.exe cdonts.dll
3. After you have registered your CDONTS.DLL component you need to check whether your SMTP service is running.

Go to Administrative tools, IIS and expand your local machine. If SMTP service is listed then it is installed, else it's necessary to install this service.

To install SMTP perform the following operation:

Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components, Application Server, IIS, Check on SMTP service, Click OK.

4. Change the port number for SMTP service. Default port is 25. Use 25 only if you don't have another SMTP service running. If another SMTP service is already running on your server you should switch IIS SMTP port to another, for example to 8025.

You can do through IIS management console: Control Panel, IIS, expand `local computer`, SMTP, Properties, General tab, click on Advanced button, Edit.

5. Configure SMTP service. The main things are to set a valid full-qualified domain name for SMTP service: Control Panel, IIS, expand `local computer`, SMTP, Properties, Delivery tab, click on Advanced button and configure Security for SMTP service.

It's necessary to grant permissions to IIS_WPG standard IIS Worker Process Group. Control Panel, IIS , expand `local computer`, SMTP, Properties, Security tab , click on Add button, cick Object types... button, check on Groups item, click OK, type IIS_WPG as object name to add , click OK.

Additional setting: Choose Authentication and tick Anonymous Access and Integrated Windows Authentication. Click OK, and then click CONNECTION. Configure RELAY settings as you wish. Click the DELIVERY tab then click ADVANCED. Set the MAX hop count to whatever you like but we recommend at least 20

Now IIS SMTP service is configured and ready to work.

Additional Notes can be found on Microsoft's website:;en-us;324649

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